Psychology Behind Participating In Extreme Sports


Extreme sports is a phenomenon that is popular all around the world. The term encompasses a wide variety of sports ranging from bungee jumping to caving, skydiving to mountain climbing and more. The question is, with these sports having such a high risk of injury and even death, why do so many people participate in them? In this article we delve into the psychology behind those who enjoy extreme sports and what exactly it is that makes them so addictive.

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What is the attraction to extreme sports?

To many of us, extreme sports are something that we can agree are impressive, but not necessarily something that we want to participate in. Despite that, extreme sports are still incredibly popular which begs the question, what is the attraction to extreme sports?

One of the main aspects of extreme sports that fascinates people is their ability to make a person feel alive. They generate a euphoric feeling which is usually described as an adrenaline rush. Many people love a challenge and those who participate in extreme sports are likely to feel as though they have accomplished something incredible. Many studies have labelled these individuals ‘sensation seekers; people Sensation characterised by a need to try the extreme, in search of thrills, even though it implies doing dangerous sports.

Why do people become addicted to extreme sports?

Extreme sports participants face the dread of death, which causes significant levels of dopamine to be released, giving them a natural high. The difficulty is that the human brain can become acclimated to high dopamine levels, driving extreme athletes to seek out more perilous and daring activities.

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Why do extreme sports participants get insurance?

Research has shown people who engage in extreme sports are anything but irresponsible risk-takers with a death wish. They are highly trained individuals with a deep knowledge of themselves, the activity and the environment who do it to have an experience that is life enhancing and life changing. Because of this, these individuals are fully aware of the risks, and therefore many of them like to prepare themselves financially should the worst happen. This means that they, their family and their homes are financially protected if they should sustain an injury that prevents you from returning to work, or a lump sum to be paid out should they die as a result of their extreme sports activities.

Although the market for extreme sports insurance is niche, it is one that Sports Financial Services specialise in. With over 20 years experience in the industry, Sports FS have provided individuals who participate in a wide range of extreme sports with the right financial protection at the best rates.

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List of the highest risk extreme sports

  • Base jumping
  • Skydiving
  • Paragliding
  • Scuba Diving
  • Caving
  • Motor racing
  • Ice climbing
  • Mountaineering
  • Hang gliding
  • Kayaking